If you are looking for a wonderful school that gives your child not only an amazing academic base, but also reinforces the values that you hold, St. Mary's may just be the place for you.
St. Mary’s offers an environment in which all children can grow and learn with our Catholic faith and Gospel values at the root of all we do! Every member of our school community; teachers, staff, administration, parents, and volunteers, work to provide students with the best opportunities-preparing them to master any challenge placed in their path.
Partnering with parents is critical to the education of our students. We encourage parents to volunteer, be mystery guest readers, present at our annual Career Fair, join us in class trips, and be in communication with teachers in order to keep you informed regarding your child's progress and needs. It is our desire to be transparent and provide open communication to ensure that you are aware of happenings at the school.
As you peruse our website, take some time to look at the "live feed". This will give you an idea of what happens at St. Mary's on a daily basis. You will see the joy on the faces of not only students, but staff as well. From sports (with our St. Mary's Bees) to weekly Mass to innovative classroom activities and teaching styles, your child will have a great experience! As we love to say, "St. Mary's is the place to Bee"!
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
God Bless,
Tris D’Angelo, Principal