Why Catholic Schools
Why Catholic Schools?
Catholic Schools reflect the values of the church and family.
Catholic Schools offer a quality level of instruction. This is demonstrated year after year in national standardized test scores.
Catholic School students grow spiritually stronger in a Christian environment.
Catholic School teachers teach the Catholic worldview, not the worldview that focuses on relativism and materialism.
Catholic Schools support the family as the number one institution in our society.
Catholic Schools have reasonable standards of discipline, and hold the children accountable for their actions.
Catholic Schools instill a spirit of service. It is taught that we should be contributors to society, not just takers.
Parents are encouraged to participate in their child’s education through volunteer activities. We are in partnership with the parent.
Catholic Schools believe that your child is a gift from God, and that God has a good plan for him or her. Each child is seen as special, and with meaningful potential that we are privileged to help the child identify and realize.
Research reveals that students who attend church regularly, participate in religious youth activities and are enrolled in Catholic schools have a substantially brighter view of life and its purpose.