Faith Topics and Lessons
Welcome to Faith Formation Topics & Lessons for families with children ages 5-18!
Below is a list of faith topics that we encourage parents to experience with their children each year.
New content will be available for each topic on a yearly basis (from June until April of the following year.)
Each Topic will have two faith lessons –
1. one lesson for families with Young Children (ages 5-10)
2. one lesson for families with Teen Children (ages 11-18)
Attend a ‘Start-Up Meeting’ –
to receive materials needed for lessons and
learn how to best utilize the lesson content for your family.
Submit the Faith Journey Checklist that you’ll receive at your ‘Start-up Meeting’ to the FF Office by March 27, 2023 so that we can monitor your family’s progress in our system which is important when determining readiness for sacraments (Reconciliation, Eucharist, & Confirmation).
Faith Topics (click Topics to access lessons):
Catholic Spiritual Development:
Reconciliation – Step by step (includes an examination of conscience and Act of Contrition)
Watch Father Bryan and Father Luke demonstrate how to go to Reconciliation by clicking here