St. Mary School students celebrated Spirit Week just before February break, from Feb. 10th to the 14th. Each day of the week featured a different activity, as well as a different dress code! Students look forward to this week of wacky dress-up opportunities every year as a break from their uniforms. The week progressed as follows:
MONDAY, 2/10: Students of all age levels (and their teachers!) enjoyed getting groovy with their outfits as they dressed as their favorite decades! Montessori students kept it simple and fun by wearing their favorite crazy hats. Check out some of our best dressed here.
Activities for the day included a rousing am game of "Disney Name that Tune" played on the smart boards in our classrooms, the Milk for Health Magic Show for grades K-2, & our very own version of the popular TV game show “The Floor”, played in grade 3-8 classrooms.
TUESDAY, 2/11: This was our "Field Trip Day"! Montessori - Grade 6 students wore their SMS Spirit Wear while grades 7 & 8 dressed for the weather outdoors to be ready for their field trip.
Albert Einstein said it best with, "Education is not always in the four corners of a classroom." Our students took this sentiment to heart as they went on field trips to Play University, the BPO, Buffalo Museum of Science & Tift Nature Preserve. Click here to see photos from their adventures.
WEDNESDAY, 2/12: Team Spirit Day! Students wore their favorite team jerseys. Whether they were rooting for the Bills, Sabres, Bisons, Bandits, USA, SMS, or other teams, banding together under a common team or cause helped students explore the concept of unity. Activities for the day included presentations on the various countries chosen per grade level for that evening's "Flavors of Fellowship" event. "Flavors of Fellowship" was a great success, read more about it here.
THURSDAY, 2/13: Pajama Day! Students were allowed to keep cozy and dress in their pajamas for school - this is always one of the most popular dress down days, for good reason! Students split up into their Faith Families to enjoy the activities for the day, including an electrifying "bed head" science demonstration by Mrs. Witkowski & Mr. Kelly!
In the afternoon, Mr. Ted Luckett gave an insightful talk on the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit, the Fruits of the Spirit, and how the presence of God in our lives gives us a "glow up". Mr. Luckett's stand out example for the students was a visualization of the Holy Trinity as water in it's three states - ice (solid), water (liquid), and steam (gas). In all three states it is still water, or in the Holy Trinity's case, God, but in different forms. Afterwards students enjoyed a glow-party with glow-bowling, a conga line, the limbo, and more in the gym.
FRIDAY, 2/14: We were loving our School Family on Valentine’s Day! Students celebrated by wearing a red, pink or purple shirt with their uniform bottoms, and special activities for the day included weekly School Mass with an old friend, Father Bryan Zielenieski, Valentine exchanges of cards, goodies & treats in classrooms, & 8th grade relays. The Grade 8 relays have become a popular fixture of SMS Spirit Week, for good reason! Check out the giant foot and inflatable pony races here.
Our wonderful SMS parents also made sure to recognize our faculty & staff on St. Valentine's Day with a myriad of treats & thoughtful gifts - from coffee & roses to charcuterie & homemade spaghetti, we had a very delicious day!
We hope our entire SMS family had a safe, relaxing & rejuvenating February break, and we can't wait to see you all back in our classrooms tomorrow!