"As a helper it is beautiful to watch the catechist engage the children in different ways and to see the children's reactions. Each catechist and Children's Liturgy of the Word is different." ~ Gretchen O. Please contact Janice O'Brien if you have questions/are interested in bringing God's Word to the children of the parish during 9 AM Sunday Mass: parishlife@stmaryswormville.org or (716)688-9380
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
children receiving a blessing
It's Throwback Thursday! This 1989 article from the Buffalo News highlighted the founding families of our faith community and school.
over 1 year ago, Stephanie States
Buffalo News article on generations at St. Mary's
The SMS playground is waiting for the students to return!
over 1 year ago, St. Mary School
playground scene
Orders for fall spiritwear due Friday, 8/18 by midnight; includes warm weather tee. Youth and adult sizes available. https://www.thispromoworks.com/stores/stmaryswormville
over 1 year ago, St. Mary School
jacket with logo
water bottle with logo
hoodie with logo
bag with logo
Orders for fall St. Mary School spiritwear must be entered online by midnight this Friday, August 18, 2023. Youth and adult sizes available. Here's the link to order: https://www.thispromoworks.com/stores/stmaryswormville
over 1 year ago, St. Mary School
winter hat with SMS logo
t-shirt with SMS logo
t-shirt with SMS logo
spiritwear flyer
The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass Times: Monday, August 14: 5 PM Vigil Tuesday, August 15: 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Outdoor Mass (bring a chair)
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Assumption of Mary
Assumption picnic RSVP's for hamburgers and hot dogs due tonight by midnight! All are invited to BYOP, bring your own picnic provisions: plates, utensils, beverages, and side dishes. Our Assumption picnic is immediately following the 6 PM Outdoor Mass. Please bring a lawn chair/blanket for your comfort.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
people at outdoor Mass
Assumption picnic RSVP's for hamburgers and hot dogs must be in by this Friday, August 11th. We hope you can join us. “Bring Your Own Picnic” Dinner immediately following the Outdoor Mass https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScB1hN854TJ_fPqCuwwP2D_fiBU4WzOF_9B5D4eyIxewp0HkQ/viewform
over 1 year ago, St. Mary School
3 people in lawn chairs
people getting hotdogs
Parents, students, and alumni can all show your St. Mary School pride by wearing SMS spiritwear! Many styles to choose from and we even have homegoods too! Don't delay - the online sale closes on August 18th. Use the QR code ron the flyer or this link: https://www.thispromoworks.com/stores/stmaryswormville... The warm weather uniform shirt shown is Principal Approved! This comfy, moisture wicking, cotton touch tee is another option for students to wear from May 1st through October 31st. All proceeds benefit St. Mary School Swormville. Size Chart for Uniform Tee: https://www.apparelvideos.com/cs/CatalogBrowser?todo=ss&productId=YST450&fbclid=IwAR32-EfPnOHIvkdfS-dqC33omKWixgQZFrfWqoc8W_CMpf6YVisS62ksDTw
over 1 year ago, St. Mary School
spiritwear sale with QR code
What’s So Ordinary about Ordinary Time? – Find out on August 10th. Families with children in grades 6–12 are invited to join the Youth Ministry team to explore this extraordinary liturgical season. Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054caba72fa7fd0-what1#/ Contact the Catholic Education Office with questions: familyfaith@stmaryswormville.org or (716) 688-0599
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
On August 15, please join us for our 6 PM Outdoor Mass for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for our BYOP dinner immediately following. Order your hot dogs and hamburgers with this link by 8/11: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScB1hN854TJ_fPqCuwwP2D_fiBU4WzOF_9B5D4eyIxewp0HkQ/viewform
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
stained glass depiction of the Assumption
Tomorrow, Friday 8/4, is the deadline for ordering 175th Anniversary swag! Click here to order online: https://www.thispromoworks.com/stores/StMarySwormvilleAnniversary The store will close at 11:59 PM - don't delay!
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
175th anniversary sales items; shirts, jackets, blanket, mugs
Spark! is tomorrow night, 8/2, at 7 PM. Young adults ages 18-25 are encouraged to come and check out this peer group designed just for you. Meet in room 109 on campus. You do not need to belong to St. Mary's Church to attend. Bring a friend!
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Spark! Young adult group meets first Wednesday of each month
Our campers closed out the week by beating the heat with a water day! Miss Kerwin's dog Cheddar thought it was a great day to do the same at home! We have 1 session left, don't miss out! We'll see our "Animal Kingdom" campers on August 7th!
over 1 year ago, Miss Reeves
Water war!
Taking a dip in the… pool?
Multipurpose pool!
What’s that phrase with cats… “I fits, I sits”?
Even doggos have to stay cool!
Cheddar’s thinking “What do you mean this session of camp is over?!"
Our 3rd - 5th grade campers built on their math skills, read about the supplies needed to pack to go camping, and roasted s'mores! We can't believe tomorrow is already our last day of this session! We have one more session lined up though, August 7th - August 11th.
over 1 year ago, Miss Reeves
Kingston’s ready for s’mores!
Roasting marshmallows in the classroom?!
S’mores for breakfast!
Did you know that melting substances is a physical change?
Building on some math skills
Protective eyewear is a must!
What are we supposed to pack to go camping?
For Throwback Thursday, we aren't going back 100 years - just a few years - to see an old friend, Fr. Andrew Kozminski.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Father Andrew Kozminski
Father Andrew Kozminski
Father Andrew Kozminski
Father Andrew Kozminski
Father Andrew Kozminski
Father Andrew Kozminski
Father Andrew Kozminski
Father Andrew Kozminski
Father Andrew Kozminski
More Bubble Week fun at St. Mary's Summer Adventures! Each summer our Montessori teachers hold three sessions of fun interactive learning for 3 - 7 year olds. We hope your child can join us next summer! #smstheplacetobee #montessori
over 1 year ago, St. Mary School
children watching teacher create an experiment with bubbles
children playing with bubbles
children playing with bubbles
SMS summer camp included building boats that float on water, measuring camp grounds for necessary equipment, and reading and recalling key details to draw a picture or find a hidden picture. Stay tuned for more adventures!
over 1 year ago, Miss Reeves
Today our campers built fishing poles and tested their designs out trying to catch some fish, practiced some decimal math problems, and worked on reading stories to identify the problem and a solution.
over 1 year ago, Miss Reeves
Our second session of summer camp is off to a fantastic start! This week our theme focuses on camping. Today our campers built tents that could withstand wind and insects, tried to see how many words they could form from "let's go camping" and started planning a math camping trip
over 1 year ago, Miss Reeves