This week in Religion, all students in grades 1-5 learned about the various signs and symbols used during the Easter season. Our younger students helped create a bulletin board with Easter lilies, eggs, and butterflies. The first and fourth graders focused on the Paschal candle, and were able to create their own. Mrs. Bishop and the students discussed the meaning behind each part of the candle, and how it is used throughout the entire church year.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary School
Easter bulletin board
child making paschal candle
children showing their paschal candles
children making paschal candle
children making paschal candle
child making paschal candle
child making paschal candle
students making paschal candle
St. Mary's Silent Auction Opens Tonight (April 21) at 5 PM! Any adult can register to bid! Text SUCCESS to 71760 to start bidding! The Silent Auction will close at 7:30 PM on Saturday, April 29, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary's Church
Silent Auction opens at 5 PM Text Success to  71760
Our new privacy fence along the back of the playground is almost finished!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary School
man constructing fence
Mr. Reeds worked on beginning badminton skills with 2nd grade today using balloons.
almost 2 years ago, Tris D'Angelo
pe fun
Vacation Bible School is July 10-14. Registration is now open for K - 5 participants and middle/high school volunteers. Use this link or go to our website to register:
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary's Church
VBS Registration is Open
Less than 2 hours left to buy tickets to Spring for Success! Deadline 11:59 PM tonight! Go to to see all 12 Live Auction Prizes and to purchase your tickets.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary's Church
Dinner for a year
Check out these live auction items! You have to be there to bid on them! Spring for Success Auction Gala reservations and payments are due TODAY, Friday, 4/14! Go to to get your tickets!
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary's Church
Weekend in Ellicottville
Dinner with the priests
LED lighted Buffalo Bills sign
Principal for a Day
Reminder: In addition to your reservation, payment for your Spring for Success seat/table must be received by tomorrow, Friday, 4/14. Go to, use this QR code, or call/visit the parish office to get your tickets.
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie States
QR code to buy auction tickets
click here to rsvp
DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY HOLY HOUR Sunday April 16 2:30 - 3:30 PM All are invited! 2:30 pm: Eucharistic Adoration with Exposition, followed by the Rosary 3 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed, concluding the Divine Mercy Novena.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary's Church
Due to the Easter holiday, we have decided to extend the deadline to purchase tickets for St. Mary's Spring for Success Auction Gala to April 14th. Please join us! Details at
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie States
Deadline for auction now 4/14
In case you missed it, here is Fr. Luke's homily from Easter Sunday, which includes his notes from his talk with the children.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary's Church
Fr. Luke's photo, "Sunday Homlies"
Easter Vigil-8:15 pm Saturday (tonight) Easter Sunday Masses- church - 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am chapel - 9:30 am, 11:30 am
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary's Church
Good Friday Schedule – 9:00 am: Morning Prayer (chapel) Noon: Stations of the Cross (church) 3:00 pm: Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion (church) 7:00 pm: Seven Last Words of Christ (church)
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary's Church
Mary with Jesus at foot of the cross
Holy Thursday of the Triduum: 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper in church Procession to the chapel for the Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8pm – 11pm Adoration (chapel)
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary's Church
bread, grapes, and chalice surrounded by white flowers
Mrs. B-Lake had fun with our 3rd graders and a little "March Madness". They read 20 Dr. Seuss books this month and voted on the brackets to decide the #1 book. This year's winner is Thidwick the Big Hearted Moose...a classic from 1948!
almost 2 years ago, Tris D'Angelo
All are invited to join us for a fun night of fellowship, wonderful food, bidding, and dancing. We have an early deadline due to the Easter holiday so please order your tickets by Monday! Price is $125 per person. All proceeds benefit our St. Mary's Swormville Faith Community. Click on this link to order today!
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie States
Invitation to Auction Gala April 29, 2023
Last night St. Mary's and Nativity Swim Team celebrated their season with an evening of awards and recognitions. Mr. Papke celebrated the efforts and successes of all swimmers, and our 8th graders were recognized with their parents and given a rose. Thanks to all our coaches and parents for making this a great season!
almost 2 years ago, Tris D'Angelo
under 8
9-10 year olds
8th graders and parents
Fr. Luke and Mr. Reeds decided they would sacrifice themselves and let Mrs. D'Angelo fill the plates with whipped cream. Students returned time after time to throw more plates! They are covered in 15 cans of whipped topping! It's all for a great cause. A fun evening and all to benefit Catholic Charities.
almost 2 years ago, Tris D'Angelo
fr luke
fr and Mr reeds
Our St. Mary's students experience their faith through celebrating Mass together weekly.
almost 2 years ago, Tris D'Angelo
Mrs. Whipple's 7th Grade homeroom students led the school and parishioners at Mass on Friday morning and then led the Stations of the Cross after Mass. Our SMS students are excellent public speakers and reverent in their readings/prayers.
almost 2 years ago, St. Mary School
students processing in church
boys giving gifts to priest
child at pulpit
child at pulpit
child with microphone
child with microphone
child with microphone
children's choir
child at pulpit