Catholic Identity

In addition to daily student-led prayer, daily instruction in Religion, and sacramental support for First Reconciliation and Eucharist, St. Mary’s students’ faith life is deepened through.

  • Full participation in weekly mass (intentions, readings, chorus and assembly)

  • In-service Catechist formation for Teachers enriches their spiritual knowledge

  • The ability to weave our faith and traditions throughout every subject, every day

  • Bible Study class for grades 6 - 8

  • Prayer Partners and Church Buddies

  • Pray ‘n Play (Living Way of the Cross)

  • Student Prayer Intentions

  • Virtues of the Month (reinforced through announcements and grade level presentations)

  • A musical Christmas Program expressing the true meaning of Christmas

  • Students receive the opportunity for Reconciliation during Advent and Lent

  • Student retreats for Grade 6, 7 & 8

  • Service Projects planned and executed by the students

  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

  • An All-School Lenten Retreat Day

  • Filed trips and after school activities that incorporate our Catholic traditions and beliefs.

Scenes from Spiritual Life at St. Mary School